Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Woody- Two Years

 Can it really be true? You cannot possibly be two years old. Has it been two years since I heard that first cry? Since I looked into those blue eyes and kissed those yummy cheeks for the first time? Have two years passed since I added the word "momma" to my job title? How has my heart been able to grow as much as it has in two years? How can two years have gone by so quickly?

Two years seems so big. You love to "read" and put together puzzles. Trains, planes, cars, and trucks always capture your attention. You love to watch Mickey Mouse and Paw Patrol. Our dogs can always make you giggle.

At two years old, you have shown what a caring heart you have when you kiss your brother and bring him a toy when he is sad. You agree to most things, like eating and going to sleep. Some things you fight me on, like when I turn off the TV or pick up your toys.

You are fearless to a fault. I often find you jumping off the ottoman or climbing on a table. But you a rarely to busy to give me a tender hug and a "stare-off" kiss.

Other facts about you:

  • Weight and Height: 26lbs and 33.5in tall
  • Diaper Size: 4
  • Clothes Size: 24m
  • Sleep: Nap from 1-3:30ish//Bedtime is at 7:00pm and you wake up around 6:00am. You sleep with your blankie, lovie, and Teddy Bear + whatever toy you sneak in with you.
  • Favorite Foods: Lasagna, chicken nuggets, hamburgers, beans, hotdogs, blue berries, grapes, strawberries, goldfish, and waffles
  • Favorite Drink: milk
  • Words: Ma (Mom), Did (Dad), Gay (Gaines), hey, da (dog), uh-oh, no, ah duh (all done), you ok?, shoo shoo (choo-choo/train), ack (snack), nigh nigh (night night), shoe. You sometimes will say some form of all your grandparents names (Nana, Gran, Mimi, Papa Jim- or, Haha according to you.) Even though you don't say many words (that I understand), you comprehend what others say very well and can follow directions.
  • I still cut your hair. I promise to get you a real haircut soon.
  • You still have eczema, but are so brave about it.
I love you so much Woodfin James. How lucky I am to be your momma!

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