Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Gaines- 30 Months

Little Peepers "turned" 30 months on the 7th. It makes me laugh to say 30 months, because if anything is going to describe him, it is the word two! Here are 30 things that make Gaines Alton the wonderful creature he is! (Here is Woody's 30 month facts.)

1. He is all boy. He loves balls, trucks, and breaking things.
2. He sleeps with two lovies. They were both given by my friend, Alli, when the boys were born. His favorite is teachnically Woody's, but Woody lets him have it. He calls them his NaNas. (This is only somewhat confusing because he also loves his Nana (my mom) and ba"nanas."

3. He likes to sing...but what is he singing!?!? If music is playing, he hums along happily.
4. Thinks he is the authority on everything. Mr. Bossy Pants. His favorite person to boss around? Woody.
5. Yet, he adores Woody. Their friendship is the sweetest thing. Don't get me wrong, there are A LOT of fights, but they really look out for each other.

6. Gaines is going to school two days a week. He is only in his second week, but seems to really like it.
7. We lucked out this one, he is a great eater! Unlike his brother, he will try almost anything. Which leads me to my next one...
8. He is almost as big as Woody! He is a little shorter, but wears a 3T in pants and a 4T in tops. 
9. If he could spend all day outside, he would. He sometimes sits at the door trying to put his shoes on in hopes that someone will take him outside.
10. His favorite outdoor activities are the pool, bubbles, throwing the ball, and playing on his bike.

11. His favorite indoor activities are trains, legos, and the marble maze. He loves building things so he is constantly building new train tracks.
12. Like his brother, his vocabulary isn't extensive. He "talks" non-stop, but it is hard to sometimes understand him. He calls Brooks DaDa, I am Momma (in the sweetest, southern voice), and Woody is Ew-ie. He can say all of his grandparents names just fine, except now he calls my dad "Troll" since when we were at the beach, my dad would hide under the boardwalks so Gaines and Woody could retell The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
13. His biggest fears are also his biggest fascinations. Spiders and fire. He love to sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider and talk about big spiders, but any bug totally freaks him out. He loves fire trucks , but Labor Day weekend, when Brooks fired up the grill, Gaines screamed and wouldn't stay outside. 

14. I know I am about to jinx myself saying this, but he is a wonderful napper at home. He goes down easily, even though Woody doesn't nap. He usually chooses to sleep in Woody's bed and sleeps at least 2 hours. (Some days he would sleep 4 hours if I would let him.)
15. He goes to bed easily too. He likes to climb in bed with Woody, and they will "read" for a while, and once Woody falls asleep, he usually gets in his bed. However, he is an EARLY riser...ugh. This of course wakes Woody up. Suggestions on how to keep him asleep past 5:30?
16. Now, he doesn't sleep great away from home. I usually have to lie down with him for a while. If I am not around, good luck! I think I have scarred Aunt Savanna and the grandparents. He screams for them and sticks his chubby arms under the door (thankfully, he can't open his door knob!)

17. We are working on teaching colors, numbers, and letters. He isn't too intrested in them though.
18. He is 15% potty trained. Ha! He can always force out a little pee for a skittle. And if he is really in a candy mood, he will go number 2 (because he gets two skittles!) However, he mostly does his business in his diaper. I am in no hurry right now. A lot of people warned me that he might regress when Squeak is born, so I am letting him go on his own time.
19. I am like my sister and was in no hurry to do it this summer because I love JonJons and bubbles. However, Gaines hates them. He usually tells me, "No Momma! I big boy!" It makes me sad, and I usually force him into them anyways. I told him he can dress like a big boy when Squeak gets here.

20. He likes to wear his "Alligator shoes." They are these Croc type shoes that were his cousin, Jake's. They are way too big, but I choose my battles with him!
21. Discipline is a something we struggle with. His hot temper and strong personality put him in time-out a good part of the day. It breaks my heart, becuase he cries so hard when he has to go to time-out. I usually keep him in there for two minutes, then we say a prayer asking God for forgivness and help making the right decisions, then he has to apologize to who he wronged (usually Woody.) He will go up to Woody and hug him and say, "Sorry Ew-ie," in the sweetest voice....and then we usually repeat five minutes later. What can I say, except he has taught me a lot about the God's grace to our sinful ways!

22. As much as I find myself praying to God to give me wisdom in how to parent him, I find myself laughing at Gaines even more! He is the funniest child; our family's little clown! He loves to put on a show.
23. Rocks a bowl cut. I gave up trying to part it.
24. He loves to take a shower. Since we don't have a bathtub, I found it easier to stick the boys in the shower with the handheld hose. 
25. As far as strangers, he is either super friendly or super rude. He sometimes goes up to strangers and yells "Hi! Hi! Hi!" in their face until they respond or he yells, "STOP! SHOO!" 
(Captain America and Darth Vadar. He can't decide if he is good or evil.)

26. In the morning, he loves and only wants his momma. At night, he is so over me, and cries at the window for his Dada.
27. This summer, he adored waiting for the garbage men on Thursdays. They are awesome and would always honk a bunch for him. Now he is school on Thursdays, so he misses seeing his friends.
28. I have to keep crayons hidden from him. He loves to color the floors and walls. We keep Magic Erasers in business. 

29. I can't wait to see him with Squeak. I love watching him practice being a big brother. 
30. Everyday, I am amazed and so thankful for this sweet boy. He was our little "surprise," and I am so glad God gave him to us.  

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