Thursday, July 16, 2015

Happy Anniversary and Birthday, Brooks!

Every year, on our anniversary, I write a blog. (You can read them here: year three, year four, year five, year six.) It is the only tradition I have kept up on this blog. Well, until this year. Our seventh anniversary was on Sunday. We spent the day driving home from Alabama, in which I wasn't feeling well and required Brooks to stop every fifteen minutes. And he did, without complaining. 

Today, my amazing husband also turns one year older. It has had me thinking of all the milestones we have shared. Seven years of marriage, three years of watching him be the father to our children, celebrating ten birthdays together. 

When we got married, our pastor (who also did our pre-marriage counseling and gave some of the best advice ever) warned us that sometimes, where couples have been married a while, it becomes very difficult to remain in love with each other. There are stresses such as finances, children, schedules that make life busy and hectic, and it is easy to forget about your partner. 

We definitely face all of those challenges, and life is not as carefree as when we met that summer in college or even when we first married. But despite working over twelve hour days, commitments to his small group at church, and being the best father to our children, he continues to make me feel like a priority. He is the kindest husband. He gets up with the boys in the morning and lets me sleep, helps with housework, and even writes me sweet notes and leaves them in my car. He wrestles with the boys, reads them stories, takes them on walks (sometimes very early might I add), prays with them and for them. 

And even with all of these wonderful things, the thing I most admire about Brooks is that he makes every person he comes in contact with feel like a person. You can find him on holidays talking with my grandmother (who suffers from Supranuclear Palsy) about hamburgers. At the drive-thru, he asks the cashier not only how their day is going, but their life in general. He recently invited a homeless man to join us for dinner since it was raining outside. I know, he is the Godly man that my momma prayer for me. He is the husband and father you pray your son becomes and your daughter marries. Happy Birthday (and belated anniversary) , Brooks. I love you so. 

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