Friday, September 28, 2012

Back to School...For Real

Today marks the end of my maternity leave, as I will be returning to part-time work on Monday. How do we spend our day? Woody is getting four shots. Mom of the Year.

I am so lucky that I am only working part-time. I never want to take that for granted. I also really like the lady who will be keeping Woody for the four hours we are away (and am very thankful for my mother who is keeping him my first few days back.) It's not Woody that I have been worried about.

It's been school. I have lost sleep about returning to school and not being prepared. I must confess, I went to school twice only to talk to teachers and return home without doing anything in my classroom. Last night, I ventured one last time to get stuff done, and it hit me.

I. Am. Blessed.

I teach with some of the greatest people ever. Really. They were the first friends I made in Atlanta, and they care so much. This week, I cannot count the number of phone calls and texts from my co-workers asking how they can help. One co-worker, with a child of her own, offered to pick up her child from daycare and come back to school to help me set up. Three co-workers moved all my stuff over the summer, so I wouldn't have to come to school when Woody was an itty bitty. And every time I go to school, there are hard working teachers who stop what they are doing to ask how I am.

So, I know Monday will be hard, but I am excited about this new chapter in my life. Thank you to all my amazing co-workers who make coming to work something to look forward to!


1 comment:

  1. Oh, he is delicious! I must see him soon! Love you friend, and can't WAIT to see your face daily.


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