Sunday, June 12, 2016

Playing Catch Up and VBS

 I really love summer...

 And awkward faces!

The boys were having a rare moment of being sweet(ish) to each other while playing super heroes.


 I failed them as a cool mom. I only knew who Captain America was. Brooks cringed when he came home and they were calling them "Silver Dude" and "Good Guy."

Peepers needed a haircut. I gave him a little trim, which is very difficult to do with a two year old boy. Here is the before.

A lemon you ask? 
His offering for Christ.

Last week was Vacation Bible School. Not only was this my first year volunteering, but I also did Planning Team. I wish I could say I had a servant's heart, and said a confident yes when asked, but I am afraid that wasn't the case. I did a lot of complaining and questioning if I was right for the job. But as VBS grew closer, God softened my heart to the amazing things this week came to hold. 

Hearing a child sing praises to our Savior is the sweetest sound. Hearing close to 900 is pure joy. I loved watching the preschool worship, and couldn't help but imagine that is what Heaven must be like. Childlike faith, no inhibitions. I would tear up on the way home in the afternoon listening to Woody singing the songs he had learned. I am thankful that I got so much out of it, and hope that those little ones' lives were blessed too!

Day 2. Woody was mad I grabbed the wrong book for the car. He recovered.

Not from VBS, but impressed with his independence (and defiance)

Last day!
Hebrews 12:1-3

Prayer request for this week. Woody is going to a new ENT on Tuesday. We are hoping to get some more answers on his snoring and get on the road to the next steps to help him breathe better at night!

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