Tuesday, April 26, 2016

What We Have Been Up To...For the Past Month

The boys are still finding uses for their suitcases from Disney World. 

Woody is way to big for that swing, but he loves it. Mimi and Papa were sweet enough to get the boys a playset, so we are going to work on pumping our legs on a big boy swing. Speaking of legs. please look at the difference between Gaines's legs and Woody's legs!

I could eat him up! Since this picture, we had our driveway busted up and a drain put in, so that water won't puddle up in our driveway. Peepers is devastated that the muddy puddles are gone.

Gaines really let Woody have it...just kidding! Woody's allergies got so bad that his eye got infected. Thankfully, some drops cleared it right up!

We visited my friend, Alli's, sweet new baby Quinn. I can't believe I didn't take any pictures of her. Gaines kept appearing from the basement. This time he had found a festive new hat.

We continue to live on our back deck. 

I had a MOPs playdate at Morgan Falls Park. I took my eyes off Gaines, and the next thing I knew, he was was at the top of the big slide. It is not easy to get up there, so I was pretty impressed that he figured it out and was brave enough to come down! (My pregnant self didn't want to climb up there.)

After bath monsters!

There was a small spider in the hall. Gaines was fascinated watching it...

...until it came down! He sprinted to try and get back in his crib!

This once was an end table.

 Poor Woody had a stomach bug. It kept everyone up one night. No one handled that well.

Feeling better! When Gaines is napping, he will ask, "Can I sit with you and watch a movie?" I happily agree (and usually fall asleep.) And yes, his pants are undone. This is an improvement people, he usually takes off his pants as soon as we walk in.

Savanna has been a life saver and babysat while Brooks and I completed a training at church. She introduced the boys to SnapChat. I laughed so hard at these pictures!

Down by the lake. Gaines is really attached to his bicycle helmet. 

 His self portrait from God's Little Garden

More deck playing. This must have been in the afternoon- they look completely out of it.

 I heard the boys' light sabers going off. I figured they were play fighting, but no, Gaines had both and was swinging them at poor Woody. Excuse the disaster known as a three year old's room.
They pretend to hug.
It is really a choke hold.

Picking Woody up from school...with a too small beanie!

 Woody was too proud (and slightly obsessive and protective) of his puzzle to pose for a silly picture.

Since Gaines usually falls asleep at church, we try to do a family activity right after since he won't be napping. We went to Boat Rock last Sunday. The boys loved it, and I was pretty impressed with them! I am pretty sure it was the best day of Brooks's life.

Last night, Woody had to have a sleep study. It has been an ongoing saga with his snoring and breathing at night, and I have questioned myself ad nauseam whether or not I was making the right decision with going through with this. 

He was so good while we waited to go back. I let him bring some of his favorite books. Of course he brought an alphabet workbook in his stack. In case you are wondering what he is doing with his hand, he has almost taught himself the entire alphabet in sign language. Seriously. 

He was so brave. He had wires all over his little head and two on his chest. He did really well until they tried to put that thing in his nose. That caused him to majorly freak out. After they got him hooked up, and he stopped crying, he said he had to go to the bathroom....

Uggggggggghhhh. I knew I needed to call the nurse, but I couldn't find the call button. There was this blue button behind his bed, but it had a protective cover over it. It seemed a little serious, but I couldn't find any other button and no one was in the hall. So I hit it....and tons of people rush in the room.

Apparently, it was a blue button because it was the 'code blue' button. Whoops. They sniped at me that I was supposed to yell loudly if I needed assistance. Doesn't that seem crazy to yell during a sleep study?

Well, let's just say neither of us did a lot of sleeping, but at 5:00 am, they woke us and told us we could leave. Woody was happy to help rip those wires off his head. He practically ran out of there.

 Needless to say, today was a struggle.

We did manage to make out first purchase for Squeak! I saw it on the exchange for a great price. I have always wanted a Moses Basket and was pumped to score this one. Gippy likes to rock it (somewhat violently.)

Woody was feeling better by this afternoon. His requests for the day were to watch The Peanuts Movie and play outside. Done and done.

Monday, April 18, 2016


"Hi Everyone. Can't wait to meet you in October."
- Baby Squeak

Surprise! We are more than excited to welcome this sweet baby in the fall. I will be 15 weeks on Thursday, and I am very happy to be out of the first trimester (sick...so sick.) Brooks and I (mostly Brooks) decided that since this will be our final baby, we are once again going to be surprised with the gender. I apologize to friends and family who want to kill me over this! 

I was a bit reluctant to announce until after my 20 week appointment, but, well, I am looking quite pregnant (having a baby every two years will do this to you!) When I was pregnant with Woody, I had very little worries or concerns about the pregnancy. I feel like now I have seen so many friends and family suffer from miscarriages combined with our scare with Gaines, that I am super paranoid. I was shaking at my 12 week appointment, preparing for the worst. But when I feel like I am getting worked up, I love this verse-

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present you requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." 
Philippians 4:6-7

Just typing it makes me relax! I covet your prayers and good thoughts about this pregnancy, which is another reason I wanted to announce it. I cannot wait to decorate another nursery and soak up my last time being pregnant. These are the questions we are asked the most:

Why are you certain this is your last? This will be my third c-section in four years. The doctor explained that women that try to have a 4th c-section often have complications, so we are closing up shop.

Why aren't you finding out the gender? I have done it both ways- knowing and not know. I would not change the fact that we found out with Gaines, but there is something cool about founding out the gender on the baby's birthday. I completely get this is not for everyone, but I an not type-A or a big planner, so I am okay with rolling with this idea.

Are you hoping for a girl? This one probably gets on my nerves the most. I get where people are coming from, you see two boys, and think about a girl. But would a healthy baby boy not be just as amazing? My boys love their momma. I know God will give me whatever I need. But please don't tell me:
"I hope you have a girl."
"You need a girl."
"Brooks needs a girl."
"Are you trying for a girl?"

Baby Squeak? We nickname our babies in utero. This is especially convenient when you don't know the gender. This is our little pipsqueak, or "Squeak" for short. My heart melts every night when Woody says, "And God bless Baby Squeak-Squeak."

What do the boys think? Woody gets it...sorta...but not really. Everyday we get in an argument about whether Squeak is in mine or his belly. Gaines has no clue, bless him.

Where are you going to put this baby? The boys will becoming roommates in the summer, and Squeak will get bedroom number three. Sharing a room build character, right?!

This gem would be our attempt at the boys taking their first picture with their new sibling. Very telling of what I am sure life will be like with three.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Gaines's 2nd Birthday Party

Even though Gaines actually turned two on March 7th, I didn't have his party until April 2nd. My official excuse was that my father-in-law was in Korea for March, but in reality, I was procrastinating on the party planning. 

Normally, for parties, I rely on my sister to take pictures. The Friday before the party, her husband's truck got broken in to, and they took all her stuff! (Read more about this story here.) I felt horrible (welcome to Atlanta everyone!) So there is a small lack of photos of the actual party.

My friend, Tippi, did the cake, cupcakes, and cake pops. She is seriously amazing. If you can believe it, they tasted as good as they looked! She is starting a baking business on the side called Whisked. If you live in and near Atlanta and are intrested in her info, please contact!

I didn't get a picture of the back deck, but we had a crawfish boil for the adults. I love how the crawfish and corn coordinated with the party's colors! (#psychopartymom)

Also in coordinating colors, was Gaines's outfit. However, he got soaked eating ice on the back deck, so Mimi changed him before I got a picture. He had red bubble shorts with a yellow cardigan. It was cute people.

Happy Birthday, Gaines! 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Easter 2016

(Sorry....long post)
Woody began getting ready for Easter by sketching some eggs in his sketch book. I love that his teachers have him keep a sketch book. It reminds me of Nana Jane!

On Tuesday, Brooks and I took the boys to meet the Easter Bunny. Woody fell asleep in the car, and it was everyone's dinner time. Those are my excuses for this awesome photo.

Woody had Easter Chapel on Wednesday. He was so happy to see Momma and Gaines!

He was no happy to listen to the pastor. He turned his body completely away. (We will work on this!)

Somehow, I am co-chairing the craft committee for Vacation Bible School. (I have never even taught, so I don't know how I ended up co-chairing.) I have been trying to test project ideas with the boys. It has been going less than ideal, although I have a lot or the "error" in the whole "trial and error" approach! And the boys have loved it! Here is Gaines after he decided to paint everything he saw with acrylic paint.

Luckily, the other co-chair and my staff liaison have been wonderful and have been having more success than me! It takes a village...I just feel like the village idiot!

Brooks was also gone on Wednesday and Thursday in Nashville. I was nervous about Thursday, because it was going to be our second attempt at taking Woody to the dentist. The first time he wouldn't let them clean his teeth. I wanted to keep things super relaxed for him, so I let him watch his favorite movie, The Peanuts Movie, in the morning. Look at that smile!

They took him back without me. I wanted to cry. Surely he needed me, right? He didn't. Turns out, he did much better with me as a distraction. The staff was amazing and took a lot of pictures for me.

Oh hi, Woody! When did you turn 13?
<Momma sobs>

Friday, Woody had his Easter Party. I signed up at the beginning of the year to volunteer and bring food. And then of course forgot that I had, and committed to sub at his school that day. I hated I would miss everything, but Mimi and Papa were in town, and went instead! (Woody told me he would rather have them there over me. More Momma sobs.) They also took Gaines so he wouldn't have to go to the church nursery. 

 Poor Woody has terrible seasonal allergies. That is why he looks like he has pink eye in these pictures. The same thing happened last year.
Little brother stealing snacks!

Mimi and Papa brought lunch home, and Brooks's great-aunt Molly, and her husband, Uncle Ron stopped by. It was great to see them! Gaines was asleep, so I didn't get any pictures.

On Saturday, we headed to Prattville. We were supposed to go to my parents' church for their Easter Carnival, but it was rained out. We headed to my parents' house for lunch with my siblings, cousins, and grandmother.

It may look like he is cutting grass, but at home he pretends his play lawn mower is a vacuum cleaner.

I'm sure this ended well.

Gippy not wanting his picture taken

But he would sit for candy!

Then they started fighting with my niece, Hollon, over the vacuum lawn mower

What a gentleman

There is a billboard by our house that has an own with glasses. For some reason, Woody is terrified of it, but I guess he made peace with the owl species. 

Changed into clean clothes for the ride back

We made it back for Sunday at Peachtree. We even made it to the early service! It was a beautiful service. It was the last Easter that Dr. Pentz (our pastor) with be at Peachtree. (I am heartbroken over this.) When we proclaim, "He is risen!" we are not just celebrating the fact that we will live eternally with Him, but also celebrating that He is always with us, our Best Friend!

And thank you Instgram, with you I can scroll back and make a nice collage of Easter from the past.

We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; 
death no longer has dominion over him.
 Romans 6:9
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