Monday, November 3, 2014

Playdate with Jessica and Alli

Soooooo, long time no post. The end of October was not the best of times. Lots of stress, lots of sickness. But even better? Lots of Jesus. 

When I get stressed and try to handle situations myself, I have to remember that He is bigger than all my circumstances. I mean, He overcame death, so who am I to worry about anything?! He doesn't always keep me from hard times, but He does walk with me through them. And isn't that awesome?! 

**This concludes your sermon. Just kidding. Go to church to get your sermon.**

Something that did go well during the past two weeks is that Jessica came to visit Alli and me. We were so excited. We did our best to get a group shot of the children. Aren't these kiddos precious?

 Burke (Jessica's son), Gaines, Jackson and Blakely (Alli's children). and Woody
And Jessica is pregnant with #6! A girl!

 Clearly, everyone except Blakely was watching Disney Jr

Do you not die? I hope they get married. Seriously. Mostly so I can like Woody's in-laws. And because they would have a fun wedding. Their children would have ridiculous cheeks as Alli noted. Am I getting ahead of myself? 

There was good food and a jump house too, but I failed to document it. We were just so excited to have Jessica back. I hope her new friends aren't reading this, because we completely plan on kidnapping and bringing her back. 

Thanks for moving back visiting, Jessica!

1 comment:

  1. Oh... I love you, and I love that we can pick up right where we left off!

    We had so much fun, and miss you guys all the time. So very ready for you all to come and meet baby girl in January!


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